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Volkswagen Jetta 2000 GLS MODEL For Sale in Memphis, Tennessee For Sale

Price: $1,000
Type: Cars, For Sale - Private.

The only thing that goes the Automatic transmissions...BUT THIS IS A MANUAL STICK SHIFT...SO YOU DONT HAVE TO WORRY!!!! NOW THE TRANSMISSION CAN LAST AS LONG AS THE ENGINE..SINCE ITS A MANUAL!!!These 2.0 engines last over 250K without major issues.
The car was very well kept. The body/paint is in real clean condition..other than a small ding/dent in the right rear area. As you can the car has normal wear/scratches for a xxxx. The mileage is very low for the year ofcourse.
Please text me here 917-725-xxxx

State: Tennessee  City: Memphis  Category: Cars
Cars in Tennessee for sale

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